Page 26 - Demo
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%u2776 %u2777 %u2778%u2460 ESG Wannabe Carbon Neutral Campaign %u2461 Concluding a Job Integrity Contract %u2462 Safety and Health Inspection CouncilPromote the image of a leading ESG management institution by conducting ESG-related education, meetings, and participatory carbon neutrality practice campaignsStrengthen the internal control system and compliance ethics management system, alongside participatory integrity activities such as department-specific corruption improvement initiatives and an integrity mileage systemEnhance the diffusion of the self-discipline prevention system through the operation of the safety and health management system, including safety inspections, safety cultural activities, and safety meetingsEnhance digital infrastructure and establish a cyber threat response system2. Enhancing public service through the establishment of ESG managementESG Management AdvancementStrengthening SafetyEthics and IntegrityInformation ProtectionKOREA FISHERIES INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC AGENCY 24